दक्षिण एशियालाई आधार बनाएर चीनविरुद्ध ठूलो आक्रमण हुने सम्भावना

स्ट्रेट अफ हरमुजको महत्व - दक्षिण एशियालाई आधार बनाएर चीनविरुद्ध ठूलो आक्रमण हुने सम्भावना - arunksubedi.com

Explore the potential geopolitical impacts in South Asia with a focus on the possibility of a large-scale attack against China. Learn more about ‘दक्षिण एशियालाई आधार बनाएर चीनविरुद्ध ठूलो आक्रमण हुने सम्भावना’ with me here at arunksubedi.com.

साउथ चाइना सीको भूराजनीतिक महत्व र त्यो क्षेत्रमा रहेकोको परस्पर विरोधी दावीको नालिबेली

साउथ चाइना सीको भूराजनीतिक महत्व - arunksubedi.com

Understand about साउथ चाइना सीको भूराजनीतिक महत्व and intense ongoing territorial conflicts that make this region a main point of global interest. For more latest news and updates on politics follow Arun K Subedi.

हिन्द महासागरमा प्रभाव विस्तार गर्ने भारतको प्रयास र त्यसमा अमेरिकाको ‘काउण्टर’

हिन्द महासागरमा प्रभाव विस्तार गर्ने भारतको प्रयास - arunksubedi.com

Explore हिन्द महासागरमा प्रभाव विस्तार गर्ने भारतको प्रयास and how the U.S. counters these efforts, analyzing the strategic competition. Follow Arun K Subedi for the latest news political updates, and many more.

Comments on Venezuela were made hastily: Subedi

Venezuela crisis has triggered waves on political spectrum of Nepal after Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal issued a statement accusing the US of intervening in the internal affairs of Venezuela. Prime Minister KP Oli has dubbed Dahal’s statement as a ‘slip of tongue’ in a bid to patch up Nepal-America ties upon his return from Davo Summit. Oli-Dahal relations soured after Dahal reiterated his stance terming his statement as official justifying that it was endorsed by the party’s secretariat.

Kashyap Neupane of Khabarhub talked to Arun Kumar Subedi, a political analyst and international relations expert, for his views on Venezuela crisis. Excerpts:

How do you analyze the differing views coming from the Nepal Communist Party and the government on the Venezuelan crisis?

This, in fact, can be analyzed from two dimensions. Marxists are too formal whom I prefer to call ‘doctrinal hypocrites.’ This issue is just a pretext to impress the general people. The communists, who earlier used to allege the US of being an imperialist, want to give the impression that they are still adamant to their stance.

Kashyap Neupane of Khabarhub talked to Arun Kumar Subedi, a political analyst and international relations expert, for his views on Venezuela crisis. Excerpts:

How do you analyze the differing views coming from the Nepal Communist Party and the government on the Venezuelan crisis?

This, in fact, can be analyzed from two dimensions. Marxists are too formal whom I prefer to call ‘doctrinal hypocrites.’ This issue is just a pretext to impress the general people. The communists, who earlier used to allege the US of being an imperialist, want to give the impression that they are still adamant to their stance.

Source: https://english.khabarhub.com/2019/10/3012/?fbclid

भारतविरुद्ध नेपालको शीतयुद्व!

भारत प्रशासित कश्मीरको पुलावामामा भएको आतंकवादी आक्रमणपछि दक्षिण एशियाको माहोल तातिरहेका बेला भारतले पाकिस्तानविरुद्ध कुटनीतिक तथा अन्य कदम चाल्न थालेको छ । त्यसमध्ये भारतले सिन्धु नदीको पूर्वीबाट पाकिस्तानतर्फ बग्ने तीन नदिको पानीको आयतनलाई कम गरेको छ । त्यस्तै भारतको पक्षमा संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ सुरक्षा परिषद्ले पुलावामा आक्रमणको जिम्मा लिएको पाकिस्तानमा सक्रिय जैश ए मोहम्मदका नेता मसुद अजहरलाई कारबाही गर्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव पारित गरेको छ । यसबाट भारतले पाकिस्तानमाथि विभिन्न तवरबाट दबाब दिइरहेको प्रतीत हुन्छ ।

भारतले पाकिस्तानबाट आयात गर्ने सामानहरुमा भारी भन्सार पनि बढाइदिएको छ भने पाकिस्तानबाट आउने अन्य सामग्रीको आयातमा पनि रोक लगाएको छ । पाकिस्तानविरुद्ध भारतका सामान्य व्यापारी तथा किसानहरु पनि खनिएका छन् । गुजरातबाट पाकिस्ताननर्फ निर्यात हुने तरकारी खासगरी टमाटरको निर्यात ठप्पप्रायः भएकाले पाकिस्तानमा टमाटरको मूल्य २० रुपैयाँबाट सय रुपैयाँ प्रतिकेजी भन्दा माथि पुगेको छ ।

कश्मीरमा ४० जनाभन्दा धेरै सीआरपीएफका अर्धसैनिकको ज्यान जानेगरी भएको आतंकवादी आक्रमणपछि नेपालले दुःख त व्यक्त गर्यो तर आक्रमणकारी संगठन र त्यसका नेताविरुद्ध कारबाहीका लागि चाहिँ नेपालको कुटनीतिक क्षेत्रबाट आवाज उठेन । न त नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्रीले ट्वीटमार्फत् यस विषयको उठान गर्नुभयो, न त नेपाल सरकारको आधिकारिक वक्तव्यमा नै आतंकवादी संगठन र त्यसका नेतालाई कारबाहीको कुरा उठ्यो ।

राष्ट्रसंघले आतंकवादीलाई कारबाही गर भन्न सक्ने तर राष्ट्रसंघको जिम्मेवार सदस्य राष्ट्र नेपालले राष्ट्रसंघ सुरक्षा परिषद्ले भनेको कुरा पनि भन्न नसक्ने ? यो कुटनीतिक असावधानी हो कि हाम्रो कुटनीतिको लाइन नै यही हो ? कुटनीतिको लाइन नै यही हो भने भोलि हामी धेरै अफ्ठ्यारो परिस्थितिमा फस्न सक्छौँ । भारतविरुद्धको मोर्चाबन्दी नै हाम्रो अहिलेको कुटनीतिको लाइन हो भने त्यो प्रष्ट हुनुपर्छ । कतै यो भारतविरुद्ध शीतयुद्धको घोषणा त होइन नेपालको ?

नेपालले आतंकवादी आक्रमणको जिम्मा लिने संगठन र त्यसका नेतालाई संसारको जुनसुकै राष्ट्रमा भएपनि उमाथि कानूनसम्मत कारबाही हुनुपर्छ भनेर भन्न सक्नुपर्थो । जैश ए मोहम्मदका नेता मसुद अजहरलाई कारबाहीको माग गर्न नेपाल सरकालाई किन अफ्ठ्यारो ? जैश ए मोहम्मदले नेपालबाटै सन् १९९९ मा जहाज अपहरण गरी अफगानिस्तानको कन्दाहार पुर्‍याएर जहाजका यात्रुसित सट्टापट्टा गरेर भारत सरकारले मसुद अजहरलाई रिहा गरेको थियो ।

आज त्यही आतंकवादीले यस्तो आक्रमण गर्दा त्यसैलाई हामी कारबाहीको माग गर्न अफ्ठ्यारो मान्छौँ भने हाम्रो कुटनीति लाइन के हो ? गम्भीर सवाल खडा भएको छ । नेपाल सरकारले आतंकवादी संगठनलाई कारबाहीको माग गर्न नसक्दा कुनै न कुनै रुपमा हामी आतंकवादी संगठनसँग उभिएका त छैनौँ भन्ने संकेत जान्छ ।

Source: https://www.khabarhub.com/2019/26/8080/?fbclid

Ludicrous ‘equidistance’ policy will take us nowhere

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South Asia is currently gripped by the wave of heat emanating from the Pulwama incident. India has resorted to several actions against Pakistan, from diplomatic as well as other punitive measures. For example, it has reduced the volume of water flowing to Pakistani territory from three rivers in the east of Sindhu. Similarly, at the initiation of India, the UN Security Council has proposed action against Masood Azhar, leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed, a terrorist outfit operating from Pakistan.

India has introduced punitive tariff barrier and stopped importing many commodities from Pakistan. Even merchants and farmers have stood against Pakistan. Farmers from Gujarat have stopped exporting vegetables to Pakistan. To the consequence, the price of tomato in Pakistan raised above Rs.200 per kg.

In this context, Nepal expressed sorrow over the incident that claimed 40 lives of Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). Surprisingly, Nepal has failed to raise voice at the diplomatic level to take action against the group involved in the incident. For example, it should have issued an official release demanding stern action against the culprits. It is saddening to note that we, as a UN member, could not even voice the issue raised by the UN Security Council itself.

Since Azhar’s group already claimed the responsibility Nepal should not have hesitated in demanding stern action against him. Azhar is the same terrorist outfit member who had hijacked a plane from Nepal and taken it to Kandahar of Afghanistan in 1999. Why should Nepal hesitate to demand action against him? Or is Nepal against India? If so, is it now in a state of declaring a cold war with India?

We have equidistance foreign policy. The question is not whether what kind of relationship we have with India or Pakistan. The point is that we should demand action against those involved in terrorist activities from a jurisdictional point of view.

The question of an equidistance foreign policy is ridiculous. No other countries either India or Japan, or Vietnam or Pakistan or Iran or Saudi Arabia or Laos…have an equidistance foreign policy. Claiming of a foreign policy of equidistance is nothing more than hypocrisy.

Source: https://english.khabarhub.com/2019/26/5149/?fbclid

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